Livestream of the Sunday EucharistMass October 6, 2024 – Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Click on the YouTube link.YouTube Link
Archive of LiturgiesClick here to access our parish's YouTube Channel for archive of liturgies live-streamed at Saint John XXIII Church.YouTube Link
“I see no desire on the part of the Vatican to seriously address the issue of women in church offices,” said Regina Franken, European chair of the Catholic Women’s Council, in remarks to KNA.
Participants in this month’s Synod of Bishops on Synodality have condemned what they said is an overly western agenda obsessed with “niche issues” that takes attention away from other important key...
On the first day of the final session of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, the study group responsible for evaluating the female diaconate has said that it is a form of Holy Orders, and therefore...
Pope Francis Wednesday inaugurated the final session of his Synod of Bishops on Synodality, urging participants to be humble in listening to others and to be open to ideas and positions that are...
Although we knew the day was coming, we could never truly prepare for the pain we felt when it finally arrived. Four months earlier, a neighbor noticed that Scout, our ten-year-old golden retriever...
Filmmaker shares his journey in making the new documentary Blue Baby out October 9 As a filmmaker, I’ve performed hundreds of interviews of all kinds of people—leaders of Fortune500 companies...
As a Carmelite friar, or a member of the Carmelite order to which St. Thérèse of Lisieux belonged, many times over the last several years a young person has said to me: “St Thérèse is stalking me.” I...