Gaudete Sunday Fiesta
Sunday Afternoon, December 15, 2024
Saint John XXIII Parish Hall
3390 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg
Doors open 1:00 pm
The FAMILY CELEBRATION after the 11:45 a.m. Mass
will include a Potluck Lunch, Rainbow Auction, music,
some catechetical activities for children
to prepare for the Jubilee Year 2025,
and other fun activities, including the well-loved
smashing of the Piñata by the children.
by the DONATION OF FOOD for the Potluck Lunch.
The donated food (preferably commercially prepared) will be set up buffet style in room 9 on the east side of the basement hallway. In the interest of health and food safety, as in previous years designated food handlers will serve the food buffet style.
For those with food allergies and/or other health concerns, you are welcome to omit the buffet and bring your own bag lunch for your family.
If you are willing to donate items for the Rainbow Auction and/or help in other ways (e.g. provide food to share, soft drinks, juice, lead children's activities, assist with food service or clean up, etc.) please let us know as soon as possible and in which area(s) you would like to help.
You may contact the parish office at 204-832-7175
or email,
or you may contact Norie Celestino at 204-881-0290
or Elona Paragas at 204-930-2426.