Saint John XXIII
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Feast Day 11 October
Suggested Novena
Nine Days of Prayer
2 - 10 October
Dear Pope John,
Your simplicity and meekness
carried the scent of God
and sparked in people’s hearts
the desire for goodness.
You spoke often of the beauty of the family
gathered around the table to share bread and faith:
pray for us that once again
true families would live in our homes.
With outstretched hands you sowed hope,
and you taught us to listen for God’s footsteps
as he prepares a new humanity:
help us have a healthy optimism
of defeating evil with good.
You loved the world with its light and darkness,
and you believed that peace is possible:
help us be instruments of peace
at home and in our communities.
With paternal gentleness
you gave all children a caress:
you moved the world and reminded us
that hands have been given to us not for striking,
but for embracing and drying tears.
Pray for us so that
we do not limit ourselves to cursing the darkness
but that we bring the light, bringing Jesus everywhere
and always praying to Mary.
Suggested Novena Intentions
Day One - October 2
Lord, increase goodness in us.
Pray that all may have a heart and soul set only on doing good and on building a world where justice reigns.
Day Two - October 3
Lord, may your will be done.
Pray that all may give themselves over to doing God’s will, acting always with love and mercy as Jesus did.
Day Three - October 4
Lord, make us peacemakers.
Pray that people of good will may work together for the establishment of peace everywhere in the world.
Day Four - October 5
Lord, help us to live in simplicity.
Pray that in meekness and humility we may reach out to assist others with friendly hands as John XXIII did.
Day Five - October 6
Lord, fill us with the joy of the Gospel.
Pray for a greater appreciation of the beauty of the world and the beauty of human life, the gifts and dignity of all.
Day Six - October 7
Lord, increase our faith in you.
Pray that the Church may remain faithful to her mission, proclaiming Christ always with courage and conviction.
Day Seven - October 8
Lord, increase our trust in others.
Pray to discern and appreciate the talents of others and to collaborate with them in the proclamation of the Gospel.
Day Eight - October 9
Lord, make us bold witnesses.
Pray to never be discouraged in the face of difficulties and hardships, but to unceasingly reach out to others.
Day Nine - October 10
Lord, help us to put our lives into your hands.
Pray that all members of the Church may live out their baptism by putting themselves at the service of others.
The proposed novena takes its inspiration
from the life of “Good Pope John”.
It invites us to ask the help of God
so that we might acquire some of those qualities
that Saint John XXIII possessed in an exemplary fashion
and that remain necessary to a Christian life
worthy of being called such.
The following is a suggested format
for each day of the Novena: