Born: Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba,
the eldest of five children of Albin and Elizabeth (Betty) Polz
Early Spiritual Formation: Received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist)
and catechetical formation in St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish
where Reverend Monsignor Roy Larrabee was his principal spiritual mentor
Early Education: Winnipeg public schools
High School: Graduated from St. Paul’s High School, Winnipeg, June 1980
University: Bachelor of Arts, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba, May 1983
Seminary: Master of Divinity, St. Peter’s Seminary, King’s College,
University of Western Ontario, June 1987
Holy Orders: Ordained to the Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg,
at St. John Brebeuf Church, August 26, 1987
Ordained to the Priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral, May 20, 1988
Canon Law Studies: Licentiate in Canon Law, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, May 2003
Master in Canon Law, University of Ottawa, May 2003
Tribunal Ministry: Formerly served as a Judge now serves as Defender of the Bond
for the Regina Regional Matrimonial Tribunal, Winnipeg Branch.
Promoter of Justice, Winnipeg Archdiocesan Tribunal.
Parish Ministry: 1987 Intern/Deacon, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
1988 Parochial Vicar, St. Viator’s Parish (Dauphin)
1989 Pastor, Northwest Interlake (4 parishes)
1992 Pastor, St. Theresa’s Parish (Middlechurch)
and Visitation of Our Lady Parish (Winnipeg)
1994 Parochial Administrator then Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish (Elie),
St. Eustache Parish, and St. François Xavier Parish (1995)
1999 Pastor of St. Edward the Confessor Parish
2003 Sacramental Minister for St. Ann’s Parish and Deer Lodge Health Centre
2006 Pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish
2008 Parochial Administrator then Pastor of St. Nicholas Tavelich Parish
2015 Pastor of Saint John XXIII Parish
Other past and present service: Dean (Vicar Forane), North Winnipeg Deanery (2009-2015)
Member, College of Consultors, Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Member, Council of Priests, Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Member, Canadian Canon Law Society (CCLS)
Ecumenical and Interfaith Liaison, Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Past-President, Western Diocesan and Eparchial Coordinators of Ecumenism (WDECE)
Permanent Co-chair, Winnipeg Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Member, Winnipeg Jewish-Catholic Dialogue
Board Member, Manitoba Multifaith Council
Archbishop’s Representative, St. Paul’s High School Board of Directors
Knights of Columbus (3rd Degree member): Charter member St. Paul’s College Council #8670, Winnipeg
Charter member King’s College Council #8904, London, Ontario
1988 Member Dauphin Council #3497
1992 Chaplain of St. Theresa’s Council #9425
1994 Chaplain of White Horse Plains Council #8566
1999 Chaplain of St. Edward’s Council #11005
2006 Chaplain of St. Patrick’s Council #11477
2015 Chaplain of St. James Council #4557