Time and time again in the Gospels, Jesus places before us the call to live a life of stewardship. Intentional disciples place their time, talent and treasure at the disposal of Jesus and the faith community of the parish. The commitment of our time and talent is evident in the ways we meet the needs of our parish community and beyond. Every skill we have is God’s own gift to us. Mature Christians grow in recognizing God’s graciousness in their own daily living. They make the most of every opportunity of every day, using individual talents – however small they may appear to others – expressly for the praise of God and benefit of others.
Sharing our God-given talents leads to heightened confidence in God’s love. Truly, each day is God’s gift in which differences are made for the good by the ways we choose to live. There are a variety of opportunities available at Saint John XXIII Parish for people to share their time and talents for the common good and thereby to grow in their own understanding and practice of the faith.
Please prayerfully consider your participation as a member in the life of our parish and mark your areas of interest on a Time and Talent Renewal Form.
Please submit your completed forms to the parish office or place in the collection basket at Mass. In the following weeks, a member of our parish team will be in contact with you to discern further your participation in the work of our parish. THANK YOU for your prayers and for your generous response!